Friday 26 February 2016

Week 8 Short Story

Hamilton stamped his foot on the gas pedal, then the brake, narrowly avoiding a foam cut-out of a dancer.

“Son, if you want to get your driver’s license, you have to be able to avoid obstacles,” Hamilton’s father said, his calm tone only infuriating Hamilton.

It’s more likely I’ll find myself in someone’s swimming pool than successfully getting my driver’s license and seeing the sprawling green countryside, Hamilton thought to himself.

“Why do I have to do this stuff?” Hamilton had a fire burning in his eyes as he tried to turn around in an impossibly tiny parking lot.

“If you’re going to do something, do it right,” his father instructed, “a wise man once said; ‘there are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going.’”  

“I don’t know about you, but I want to go to the countryside by myself, and there are plenty shortcuts to get there.” Hamilton knew he was back talking, which would get him in trouble, but he was so irate he didn’t care.

“You, young man, are not ready to be driving. I will drive us home,” Hamilton’s father exclaimed sternly.

When Hamilton’s father took over the wheel, he pushed his foot on the gas pedal.

Vroom! Vroom!

The car didn’t move, it just continued to make racecar-esque noises.

“Dad? It’s in neutral,” Hamilton chimed in, trying to hold back his laughter.

“I knew that,” his father said.


Later, after Hamilton’s driving test, he returned home, his spirits soaring like a majestic and proud seagull that has just stolen someone’s lunch and is very pleased with itself.

“I passed!” Hamilton exclaimed triumphantly to his mother.

“Hmm,” mused his mother “that’s wonderful news, dear. Did you know your father failed his driver’s test three times before he passed?”

“WHAT!?” Hamilton was so angry, and he felt like a volcano that was about to erupt. His mother, completely oblivious, contemplated the thought of putting broccoli in that night’s stew. Hamilton’s majestic spirit-bird crashed into the wall of skyscraper, and came back down to earth.

“That’s why he wanted you to learn everything before you went for your test. He didn’t want you to be humiliated by your friends when you didn’t pass,” Hamilton’s mother said absently.

Maybe dad wanted the best for me after all, thought Hamilton.

“I’m going to apologize to dad,” Hamilton stated, rather matter-of-factly.

“Okay dear. Pass the broccoli, will you?”

Wednesday 24 February 2016

100 WC Week 8

"You gotta have a public image, look like you're doing good for the world," My manager said, "Help a child achieve their dreams of becoming a dancer, start a swimming club."

I nodded.


When I got up on stage, I saw all the people watching me, and I realized that I had the chance to change the world.

"This started off as a way to improve my public image, but now I realize I have a chance to help. You can go green, get an electric car instead of a gas one, but, most likely, what you really care about is what makes the most change. You choose. As for me, I think I'll start with renting my summer house out at low prices so that the less fortunate can have the luxury for once."

Wednesday 17 February 2016

100 Word Challenge Week 7

Troy snuck out of his bedroom in the dark of night, obviously wanting to remain secretive. He crept over to a secret door in the back of the hall closet.

He twisted a handle, the door opened and there it was, his secret collection of My Little Pony and Disney Princess DVDs. He selected Frozen, his favourite movie, and returned to his bedroom to watch.

In the morning, Troy felt drained and looked haggard.

"Troy, you're looking more and more exhausted each day," his mother commented.

"Where are all my Disney DVDs?" Shrieked Bella, Troy's younger sister.

"I dunno. Maybe your gerbil ate them," Troy lied.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

100 Word Challenge Week 6

Emma arrived at the stables and sauntered over to her Anglo-Arab's, Hermes, stall. She was shocked to see that the stall was empty! Hermes was galloping freely, like he really had wings on his feet.

"Stop! Hermes!" Emma cried, grabbing a leadline.

As Emma raced after Hermes, who was a speed demon, she tripped and landed in a puddle of mud.

"Ew!" She shrieked.

Hermes turned around, tossing his head back like he was laughing. Then, he gracefully cantered back into his stall and latched the door, acting like nothing had happened.

"The worst thing is that I ruined my new, expensive boots," Emma moaned.

Friday 5 February 2016

100 Word Challenge Week 5

I've never been responsible, and the night my parents were out of town was no different. 

I forgot to shut the door on the fireplace, and I woke up to the smell of smoke. 

"Help!" I cried out the window.

That's when I remembered Cassie, my baby sister. I dodged the flames to reach Cassie's bassinet, grabbed Cassie and raced onto the balcony. 

The flying firemen came, and there wasn't much damage done to the kitchen. Everything else was charred to a cinder. When my parents came home, they weren't too pleased that I had burnt down the house. Again.