Wednesday 25 May 2016

100 WC Week 19

 Why I Owe Jade 10 Bucks

"Bet you ten bucks you can't last an hour in Old Harley's house," Jade's eyes glinted as she presented the dare. There was a collective gasp, but I nodded.

Looked like I was about to enter a haunted house.


Jade had placed a candle near the entrance. As the flame flickered and then went out, I was bathed in shadow. Just then, a transparent person floated towards me, and I backed against the wall. My hand came away sticky.

I ran out screaming, and promised myself I would never accept a dare from Jade ever again.

Now I had to find ten bucks.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

100 WC Week 18


The silence was deafening, and I huddled under my covers. It was hard to feel courageous in teddy bear pyjamas.

My family had been in our new house for three days, and I was already convinced it was haunted, with its burnt-orange walls and antique furniture, and the objects that seemed to move overnight.

My bedroom door opened quietly, but it might as well have been a crack of thunder, the way I jumped. I smashed my head on the headboard of my bed, and the room swam. All I could make out was the blurry silhouette of my sleepwalking sister before I passed out. 

Wednesday 11 May 2016

100 WC Week 17


The unexplained is always the most interesting in life.

One day, I was walking along a beach, when I found a stairway that wound up into the sky. I climbed, but there was a golden gate near the top. I couldn't get in.

I was pulled out of my daydream by a local chatting away.

"A stairway to heaven was once going to be built here, but it was never completed," the local informed me.

I glanced at the barren ground, unsure how I had seen the completed stairway. There was just a small dove sitting there. It winked at me and flew off.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

100 WC Week 16

      Sunlight streamed through the trees, casting leaf-shaped shadows on the forest floor.
All I could hear was the sound of Jade's even hoof beats, hitting the ground as she cantered. We swept around a bend, and a creek came into view. The pebbles glistened at the bottom of the creek bed.

      I let Jade gain some speed to jump the creek, but I guess she didn't want to. She halted, but I flew through the air. Suddenly, I hit the ice-cold water. Jade nickered and sped off.

    "Jade! Wait!" I was left alone, soaking wet, and without a ride.