Tuesday 3 May 2016

100 WC Week 16

      Sunlight streamed through the trees, casting leaf-shaped shadows on the forest floor.
All I could hear was the sound of Jade's even hoof beats, hitting the ground as she cantered. We swept around a bend, and a creek came into view. The pebbles glistened at the bottom of the creek bed.

      I let Jade gain some speed to jump the creek, but I guess she didn't want to. She halted, but I flew through the air. Suddenly, I hit the ice-cold water. Jade nickered and sped off.

    "Jade! Wait!" I was left alone, soaking wet, and without a ride.


  1. First of all its week 16 second of all i really like your story but its a bit confusing for someone who doesn't ride horses so maybe make it simpler.

  2. Your story is really good. You need to add an indent at the beggining of each paragraph

  3. I like the strong words you used in your story. You really paid attention to your punctuation's and spelling. I didn't really understand some of the parts so I think you should make your words more simple next time. Great job in your story !
